Monday, March 10, 2014

Got my own site, moved blog

This will be the last post I make at this address of this blog. I have obtained my own website and have moved this blog to it.  the website is and the blog is located at For future updates please go there and fix your bookmarks.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Web Project progress

Made lots of progress on my web project since the last post about it.  It is currently available to the public but it is still very infantile.  Click here to visit it, it has no real domain name.

Tiled map generation now working

Working on my RTS game, and I now have a working tile based map.  It has working random generation, and a working A* pathfinder. Also has a working minimap.

The previous images show the minimap and map view zoomed at two different sizes.

The following image shows the visualization of the A* algorithm in action. for debug purposes each iteration of the algorithm is slowed down and the open set and closed set visualized as red and cyan tiles. The current node is depicted as the white tile.  The red tile not attached to the blob is the goal node. The start node was the highest point inside the gray rock formation.

 The following is the final path from the above visualized run.

 The following is several paths generated on the same map.  The two in the middle around the center rock position are so different because the path-finder was set to require 3 tile clearance for the top path, and therefore could not go through the gap the other path did.